Check out these Judge Dredd Pinball Machines for sale. You will also find parts and accessories for current owners including the ramps, Decals, Manuals, Translites, Insert Decals, and Drop Targets. It is known for it's unique gun style filpper control. The pinball machine is much better than the movie. It looks fantastic, the artwork is brilliant, the sounds and callouts sound like Judge Dredd and the humor is spot on with the comics. The ramps are fun to hit, the subway makes a great sound when you smack it in there, also the metal lanes at the bottom near the flippers make a great noise when post-passing. The deadworld looks cool when it's spinning and when you get a ball dropped off the crane, it makes that upper left flipper shot a little easier. Animations are good, and video doesn't interfere with gameplay. Also like the sneaky little extra target on the left lower playfield to help with modes. Loads of wireforms for the ball to roll down satisfying. Great lights in pursuit mode. Extra ball button if you didn't get a multiball and it was unfair! Being Bally Williams, its well supported for repair bits and mods. Mods would look great on this to keep it looking that sci-fi and modern.